



Anticipation. 这是农业和牧场最重要的方面之一. Knowing the weather forecast is key to making planting, spraying and harvesting decisions. 虽然这是体育彩票外围平台无法控制的, we can make informed choices by paying attention to signals that indicate what storms might be heading our way. 大宗商品市场也是如此. Market reports are a tool to help us make informed decisions and put ourselves in the best position to succeed. 


Market reports help educate producers on a variety of information regarding supply, demand, 价格和其他性能数据. They add transparency to the industry by helping show what commodities are worth. 这些数据可以用来为价格谈判提供信息, 营销决策和生产者商品的表现. Ultimately, they help our industry ensure integrity exists when transactions take place so that producers aren’t taken advantage of by other industry players. 


Mistakes happen. All a person can do is try to make the best decisions given the information at hand. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t an obligation to make sure the best information is obtained. At the federal and state level, we have a variety of market reports that are produced with integrity. USDA and VDACS both work hard to report accurate information with adequate descriptions. 最重要的是,首先要考虑报告的来源. Secondarily, the report must be placed in context to determine how reliable it is. 在养牛方面, a report from a sale without many cattle should not be given as much credibility as a sale with a more robust offering. One thing I like to do is to compare individual sales to our state’s weekly and monthly averages to determine how in line it is with others. Our feeder cattle grading system (and the great job our graders do) allows us to compare prices for similar cattle across the state. 比较不同的苹果是很重要的!


这当然取决于你种植的是什么商品. Because the cattle industry is what I know best, I’ll focus on a few of my favorite reports here.


几乎每个养牛人都认为他们养的牛是最好的. 这并不是说养牛者傲慢或自恋. But we all take a lot of pride in what we do and put a lot of time and effort into breeding quality stock. If you look at market reports and believe your cattle are not bringing what other cattle are throughout the state, 你有很多选择.

  1. 让它们穿过泥土. 我指的是有竞争力的销售. Auctions exist to promote price discovery and can often lead to higher prices (although commissions do exist). 
  2. 参加一个增值项目. 供饲养牛使用, the Virginia Quality Assured (VQA) program has a tremendous track record of success since its inception in 1997. 其他增值机会也存在. 
  3. 在一年中的不同时间出售. 使用市场报告来查看历史上的高价格. 
  4. 关注留存所有权/直接营销机会.
  5. 提高你的基因/获得公正的第三方意见. 就像你想的那样, 这个行业可能会对你养的牛的种类有不同的评价. 利用行业资源来提高你所生产的牲畜的质量. 


感谢弗吉尼亚养牛业委员会的拨款和持续支持, 维吉尼亚牧场主协会发起了 VA Cattle App as a one-stop shop to access many of these market reports and other industry information. 今天一定要从App Store下载!

您还可以访问知识中心的多个报告 农业体育彩票外围平台 页,或注册接收 KConnection通讯 获取市场报告、农业新闻、本地活动和博客文章.

弗吉尼亚农场信贷的客户可以独家使用 Member Portal. The Member Portal contains market news for cattle along with cattle nutrition, 育种和遗传学, grazing management and marketing and selling live cattle and/or beef resources. 请向您的信贷员或分行查询登录信息.





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